Hello. Today I came across a wonderful interesting resource https://www.ekosys.org/ A lot of useful information on Bitcoin is collected here. In particular, from there I learned about TapScript and about Sapio. It's just a pity that there are no simple understandable examples on the first link, and the second one is related to Rust, which also did not understand...


  1. Are there any libraries, any examples of working with the Lightning network in Javascript?
  2. I wonder if stacker.news is just a site with authorization via LN or some kind of distributed content network? I just worked with decentralized blogging networks - I wrote Telegram bots for them that perform likes, send notifications and perform other actions...
Thank you for the answers.
  1. This is a js library for interacting with an lnd node's grpc interface: https://github.com/alexbosworth/ln-service. They have great docs for lnd here: https://docs.lightning.engineering/
  2. SN is just a centralized site with LN auth. Content is not distributed in any unusual way for the time being.
Clear. Thank you for the answer.