Hello World!
As Bitcoin Testnet is good merely for trying out your new Antminer ASIC, please have a look and read about Bitcoin Signet network which is another testing network supported by Bitcoin Core since late 2020. It also allows custom signet networks, an example be Plebnet Playground, but first read about and play with the official Signet please.
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
See a Bitcoin Core node running on Signet live and try to send there some free testing sats using a faucet.
This is all running on a recycled MacBook Pro 2012 hardware, running natively Alpine Linux, currently with uptime 160 days (see current status (or txt) updated on each block).
Feel free to use this for practical learning. Worldwide. No Cloudflare here as it breaks my HE.net tunelled IPv6. Feel free to try anything (from nmap scan, all the way to some DDoS scripts if you believe they work. Write any feedback please — no sats needed to write and writing here is as secure as sending an email (to aoreally1@gmail.com if you like).
There is so much more to say. But the best thing to do is to learn with a peer (not me). And your peer does not have to be any superstar. Make yourself a friend that is willing to spend time learning with you. You can discuss things together. What a proof of work!
All the best! And kudos to @k00b for stacker.news!
That is very cool. Thank!
You are welcome! Thank you too for reading!
By the way, there is now an blocknotify.sh script showing nice big block numbers using figlet(6). Enjoy!
Mempool rebroadcasting is done for practical purposes. In 2020 the mempool was very congested, but when the miners mined multiple blocks quickly, they were not filling them up since they forgot the low-paying transactions already. Proved on Plebnet Playground (another testing network with free bitcoins) where during the times of only one miner, when something happened to the main mining/signing node, it was possible to end up with some TXs in mempool on the explorer, but never mined for days. Since rebroadcast is done, no transactions are forgotten.