Tell me what's worse.
Leaving your bitcoin on a custodial exchange, or using a wallet app that was installed using a binary that cannot be reproduced?
I would say the risks are about the same. Except most people don't even know that their wallet app is not reproducible.
Who is raising awareness on this or doing anything about it? Well, ... Wallet Scrutiny is, for one.

pushing for their crappy mycelium wallet
Is the following really considered "pushing for" mycelium?
I would not put my life savings in any Android wallet but for smaller amounts, I still love my Mycelium, although I wish it wasn't so shitcoiny. I'm tempted to strip out fio and eth and bitcoin vault and ... but license would not allow to share my effort.

WalletScrutiny guy here. I was a developer for Mycelium Android until May [2021]. Since then, I only work for WalletScrutiny. I don't know of a "new" Mycelium but can poke my former colleagues if you want.