What is Bitcoin? Is it me or most of us working class precariats who feel we are misfed, misled, and miseducated by the dishnonest mainstream pundits, incompetent experts, tunnel visioned professors, hypocritical intellectual tyrants, fake media dicktators, and pseudo historians, and oh dont forget the conflicted Bitcoin youtube influencers collecting Ad revenue so they can get a 5% commission on your views to pay for their Dubai bound private jet? After all, it seems quite clear they all drank the Fiat Koolaid and too much of it, so as to an ordinary precariat, what is a bitcoin has it seems to have become a bewildering, rather complicated quesstion? Should it be so complicated or is there another way to look at what is a bitcoin? lets find out,
To this precariat: bitcoin is a historical treasure trove of human interactions in its purest, unadulterated form, some people call this interaction, a transaction, an exchange of your historical posession, or your ownership in a public subjective common goods with historical record unmediated by the mere mortal and the highly flawed human historians.
bitcoin is an answer to the history of adulterated, forged, botched histories, herstories, theirstories in human societies since humans began its civilization. No more is human intervention or judgement needed to be the recorder of history at least in the realm of each others interactions or exchanges of subjective goods people chose to place some importance on. There are rougly 8 billion humans on the Earth, so that means 8 billion destinies, 8 billion ideas and bitcoin is one of those 8 billion ideas that survived from arbitrary historicial adulteration, arbitrary forging, arbitrary botching and arbitrary intervention. Is it not a big deal one idea out of minimally 8 billion ideas survived almost a decade and half without an ounce of adulteration?
I think such a historical, impartial honest truth keeper is priceless for 8 billion humans who have suffered very big harm for thousands of years due to poor historical record keeping by the mortal humans. If an honest form of history existed upto this point, would the world be a more beautiful, livable, and a tolerable place for more than half the humans right now living in severe poverty, malnutrition and lack of basic needs? I highly doubt it would be like this, what do you think people? this is my simple observation, what is your perspective, feeling, thoughts and ideas about an unadulterable history book of human interactions? what is the value of it to you? how will you measure it, in dollars, pounds, dinars, pesos, rupiah, meters, inches, newton, kelvin or seashell or something else? for me its an immeasurable public common goods and for that I am hopeful for its future, a very bright future indeed.
запиши себя в историю на веки))) придумай как изменить 0.00000021% всего что может повлиять на остальное!) например... воздушный шар или дирижабль или аэростат... этот механизм изменил историю хода развития человечества на всегда и вывел на новый уровень.