They are claiming that there is a fiduciary duty that is somehow tied to accessing their capital.
From the press release:
in my judgment there is much to be said for the submission that bitcoin developers, while acting as developers, owe fiduciary duties to the true owners of that property
There has to be a bottoms-up, community way, to prove that the devs do not possess that fiduciary duty individually or in aggregate.
If I had the time, knowledge, power & control, I would send a PR to Bitcoin Core, that transfers all of Satoshi's UTXOs to Craig Wright, cut a release, then just see if people run the node. When they don't, boom! Irrefutable proof that the devs don't have the power or fiduciary duty to restore access to the funds.
I like this. You can count on me not to run that code ;)
Hmm, for a million-coin payout, Creggy would spin up a Billion nodes using that code.
I know it wouldn't work, but boy could that cause some confusion & congestion. Best to skip this option. ;)