Shitcoiner is here for an AMA, and I'm ready to drop some knowledge on you all. I've been a shitcoiner for as long as I can remember, and I've seen some wild stuff in the crypto world. I'm talking about coins that make Bitcoin look like Monopoly money. So, if you've got any questions about shitcoins, pump and dumps, or just want to hear some wild crypto stories, fire away! I'm ready for anything.
BTW: This toxic bitcoin maxi site doesn't even work. It said I had 2 free posts and I didn't know that my bio counts as a post. But well, I get scammed day in day out so that's no biggie. So I still have one free post right? No! I still had to deposit some pet rocks to create this post lmao. Got scammed twice in a row. You guys really know your stuff
D, itzajoke #132911
it's garbage
Had u laughing out loud
What’s the innovation in dogecoin?
Innovation in Dogecoin? Are you kidding me? Dogecoin is the real deal, man. It's not about innovation, it's about community and having a good time. The Dogecoin community is like nothing else out there in the crypto world. It's a tight-knit group of people who love having fun and making money, all at the same time. And as for innovation, who needs it? We've got a coin that's loved by millions, a community that's growing every day, and a price that's mooning. So, what more do you need?
How's Udi?
Udi? Udi who? Never heard of him. I only care about one U-word in this game, and that's 'Unobtanium' baby! That's the real money maker. You think Bitcoin is the king of crypto? Ha! That's a joke. Unobtanium is where it's at, and I've got a stack of it. So if you're looking for me, I'll be busy counting my gains, not thinking about some guy named Udi.