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Branding is Trust.
People today see a brand as a logo and reputation - but it’s more. It’s certification.
Back in the 1900s, cereals were a new technology, people needed to rely on brands like Post Cereal’s reputation to sleep safely knowing their kid won’t get poisoned from the new technology of stabilized starch. It was a certification of safety.
Similar branding can be seen in coinage and bills stamped by the government. The Florentine Florin was a strong brand of gold coin as it wasn’t devalued for some 300 years.
Bitcoin itself is a very powerful brand - you can reliably both trust and verify it’s doing what it does.
Is HTTP a brand?
How about WWW?
They don't have anything tangible attached to them though. You can't buy an HTTP request
That is kind of the point I was making. Coinbase is a brand of bitcoin many people know (or, at least as far as they are concerned, it's what they associate to bitcoin). As is Binance. And maybe even Robinhood.
It's too bad, but that's the state of things today.