At this point I refuse to believe that these are scams. Every single moron that gets involved with these tokens must be fully aware that it's a pump and dump.
Shitcoins are just like penny stocks. Most are not aware that both are scams, but some are aware and buy because they think they can sell before the rugpull/supernova occurs. But trying to guess when a thief will break into your house is a fool's errand.
This is just my speculation, but I think the Mafia is probably making and promoting shitcoins. They were involved in penny stock scams in the 80s and 90s. And shitcoins are far easier and safer of a crime to commit than penny stock scams. But I have no evidence to prove this speculation.
I dont think you get it, many many poeple dont know they are scams .... u can listen to this for more details