When it comes to self sovereignty, the most important concept is the ability to vote with your money AND your feet. I think this was the key takeaway from the 1997 book "The Sovereign Individual."
If the value created through your time and labor can be canceled, shut-off, or controlled, then you are not sovereign. If you are geographically constrained.... if your livelihood is tied to a specific region, then you are not sovereign.
If a government or entity can prevent you from spending your money, or from moving away, then you are not sovereign.
Starting from this mindset, you can build a "sovereign individual" lifestyle.
First, the simple concept that what you own, owns you. Minimalism enables you to vote with your money and your feet. There are a lot of great books, podcasts, blogs, subreddits, and forums dedicated to this. I've found the FIRE communities to be the most helpful, and blogs such as earlyretirementextreme.com and mrmoneymustache.com. Everyone's version of minimalism will be different. Obviously, a couple with a newborn baby won't be able to go as far as the single hitchhiking hippy. But the principles and the mindset is what matters. Living a frugal, minimalist lifestyle also frees up capital for long term savings. You have less stuff, so it's easier to up and move (vote with your feet), and you have more money so it's easier to save, donate, and invest (vote with your money).
The ability to vote with your feet means you always need to have a backup plan... a place that you will go to if things get bad enough in your jurisdiction. Countries don't want you taking your skills, labor, and money to a new jurisdiction. This incentivizes them to do better, reducing coercion and oppression. To this end, foreign passport services like planbpassport.com should be in everyone's "sovereign individual tool-belt". Quick side note: This only works when a large enough portion of the population is sovereign themselves. The thesis of "The Sovereign Individual" book is that, over the next few decades, the internet & technology (and Bitcoin) will enable individuals sovereignty more than ever before, forcing governments to grow smaller and return to a role of service rather than overlord.
The ability to vote with your money means you have to ensure that your money can't be controlled by anyone except you, and can't be easily taken by force or coercion. Imagine how a nomadic hippy, on the road with only a backpack, could secure their life's savings without trusting any third party custodian. Paper cash and gold are both poor options; cumbersome in large amounts, and too easy to steal or rob. Banks and brokerages come with jurisdictional, third party trust. Bitcoin is really the only option for such a person. Imagine such a nomadic hippy setting up a 2-of-3 multi-sig setup. One private key stored in their head (or steel plate in their bag), another stored in a Swiss safety deposit box, and one stored at a Bitcoin custodian such as Unchained Capital or Swan.
Now that your long term savings is secured, select a simple lightning wallet like BlueWallet for your daily spending account. Move to an area with lots of Bitcoin adoption, or be active in your community to increase adoption. Fiat is the opposite of self-sovereignty, therefore, the Sovereign Individual has an obligation to increase Bitcoin adoption in the world. Boycott businesses which don't accept Bitcoin, go out of your way to patronize those who do. To this end, use tools like btcmap.org and the Oshi app (oshi.tech).
Run a node. The company Start9 is doing far more than just Bitcoin nodes. Their personal private servers are packed full of apps for the Sovereign Individual. Store passwords, pictures, and files privately and accessible over the internet. Run your own Lightning node your Start9 Embassy so you can manage your own liquidity. The possibilities are endless for future development on these Start9 devices. Their physical nodes are small, so they can be quickly unplugged and shoved into a backpack if you need to quickly vote with your feet.
Finally, remember Jocko Willink's quote: "The only way to get to a place of freedom is through discipline".