It's already "illegal" do you know how many bitcoin transactions on your node right now were used to buy and sell illegal drugs, weapons and get funds bypassing swift?
So best you make peace with it
Idk where in the world you live but I highly doubt that to be true. It is at least factually wrong and not how laws work in all major western countries.
Care to explain how it is factually wrong?
  • Is there not bitcoin right now in the possession of law enforcement because it was seized?
  • Is there not bitcoin that has been used to facilitate a host of transactions that would be considered illegal because the trade itself was for certain good or service?
  • Has bitcoin not been used to clear money that would otherwise not make it on fiat rails due to sanctions?
You're way to deep into the rambling my dude. Running a node is not illegal in most western countries. That's just a fact.
The reason your bullet list is grasping for straws is that "in dubio pro reo" is still a fundamental principle. I find it alarming aswell that it has been discussed in modern politics - but it is just a fact that at the moment "In dubio pro reo" still stands in the west.
I'm not saying running a node is illegal, I am saying there's already transactions on every node that could be considered illegal
Governments can make anything illegal, when I was growing up going to the beach was illegal, sitting on a park bench was illegal. Anything can be deemed "illegal"