Thanks for the response.
We put it on our CDN so we can keep it updated with new releases and provide the latest versions.
Making it available on a CDN makes perfect sense. I think what’s missing is a way to request an exact version of the library from the CDN.
For example, right now I can load the library from, which presumably will always provide the latest version.
What if I want to affix myself to a certain version for stability reasons? I should be able to load from something like
Forcing your consumers to always load the latest version means they’re at your mercy for when updates are deployed.
It’s very common for engineering teams to update their dependencies in a controlled manner so they can verify functionality remains intact before making it available to their customers. What’s described above doesn’t allow that to happen.
Most of the updates we make to Speed.js don't change are backward compatible, so even if you're using an old version, your application won't break. The same is true for our APIs.
I know you said most of your updates don’t break backwards compatibility, but that most needs to be all in this situation.
Also, how would anyone be using an old version if you only supply the latest?
I’m not trying to grill you too hard here, I’m just sharing my thoughts on this so you can provide the best developer experience.
I'm sorry if I couldn't fully answer your question, but I'll have my engineering team take a look and provide more information.
Sounds good!
Are you thinking of using it for an eCommerce store? If so, we'd love to invite you to our Slack channel to chat with our engineering team.
I’m not, I’m just an engineer who reads SN :)