I'd like to see a subreddit-like feature (i know SN is more inspired by hacker news than reddit but there is nor rule to keep it this way, is there?).
By now SN is a forum all about bitcoin. That's cool and all but i'd like to chat with yall about all sorts of topics. What are your interests and hobbies? Do you like cooking? What about a general IT/programming/gaming channel, science-news, sports? Nfl, soccer, music, movies? A meme channel would probably a safe first bet.
In my imagination this also leads to more traffic overall and not only thins everything out.
I think within a year we'll be on track to begin adding topic subs. Right now though, the community is growing but still small and is better for now being focused IMO.
Also interested in subs- do worry about dilutive effect on community.. might over-complicate things logistically but I wonder if there's a way to vote (in sats of course) them into existence to see what might have the most engagement rather than creating a bunch of mini-subs with zero community.
Indiehackers (although the community has little real engagement and seems to be dominated by all self-promotion) has a "groups" feature where the proposed group does not launch until a certain number of people join the group.
You’re right! I always forget they should be opt-in. I think last year we were talking about requiring topics to reach 10k sats to get created. I think we also considered requiring that to be 10k monthly to keep it alive.