One does not [become] a sovereign individual. Being individually sovereign is mans natural state of existence.
An individual is taught from birth, either: how to live in a manner that recognizes and promotes self-ownership, individual accountability, and mutual respect (i.e. NAP), as a basic fact of human existence; or, how to live as a slave within a scheme of societal subjugation and obedience (via coercion and force).
No... One is not born with an automatic awareness of all that is required for his survival. He must be nurtured and taught those essential elements of self-sustainment in order to thrive within his best potential.
Nevertheless, each sentient being is an individual autonomous entity under no rightful claim of ownership by another. Another, who himself exists in the same autonomous manner amongst all other similarly existing sentient beings around him.
In summary: Do not become sovereign. Simply BE the sovereign individual that you already are.