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Now that I see with Twitter Analytics you need to pull metrics from two different locations, here's a more complete picture:
Twitter Analytics results for @StackerNewsFeed for February 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 39.2K impressions over this 28 day period
Tweets: 604 Profile visits: 8,066 Mentions: 219 New followers: 52 Engagement rate: 3.8% Link clicks: 530 Retweets without comments: 170 Likes: 309 Replies: 95

For January, 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 31.3K impressions over this 31 day period
Tweets: 396 Profile visits: 5,726 Mentions: 184 New followers: 84 Engagement rate: 5.1% Link clicks: 338 Retweets without comments: 47 Likes: 184 Replies: 82
These stats are 🔥🔥🔥
I was just talking to someone yesterday who follows the twitter feed and that's the primary way they interact with the site.
Mastodon / Fediverse does not have analytics at the user level, so there's just a few metrics for @StackerNewsFeed@BitcoinHackers.org that could get reported.
That account has 66 followers, as-of today (March 6th, 2022).
For the Twitter analytics, Link Clicks could be the link for the URL from an SN Link post, or it could be the link for the SN item itself. So, there's no way to tell from Twitter analytics itself how much traffic this feed drove to Stacker.News.
The number of profile visits is pretty decent, IMO.