Hey guys! We've been working hard behind the scenes on company setup, mission directions, and planning. Over the weekend we built a little email & nostr waitlist signup marketing page and going to get back to normal development. We hope to get a polished version of our existing app as an alpha in a few months. Let us know if this is something you're interesting in testing out by signing up for the waitlist.
One cool thing about the nostr signup is that it is very privacy preserving and you don't have to dox your email or worry about email spam from us.
Nice touch with the nostr. Hope more products and services use this
Mind dropping your #Nostr npub?
I don't have one but our mutiny npub is: npub1mutnyacc9uc4t5mmxvpprwsauj5p2qxq95v4a9j0jxl8wnkfvuyque23vg