I think a lot of the hate with Zuck boils down to him having such a punchable face. I don't remember him saying too much that I wouldn't expect a fake upper management person to spew, but he doesn't without the normal comforting polish of fake upper management people and with such a robotic look. By most accounts it seems Jobs was an actual jerk but people gave him much more respect.
End game seems a little bleak for FB/Meta... FB is dying, TikTok is crushing IG, the metaverse is too early and others (Apple/Microsoft) seem better positioned if it does take off.
I feel like their best bet would be to spend a billion dollars lobbying to ban TikTok on the premise of a national security threat.
Meta did just partner with Verizon as they roll our ultra wide band 5G. I think meta’s biggest issue is barrier to entry and no one wants to wear a big ass rift on they face all day.
Not yet they don’t. I imagine the headset will minimize with time.
I’m personally pretty bullish on vr/ar
I imagine we'll get there eventually.. this just feels a bit like Webvan... a little too early to place big bets into the space. I'd feel more confident if I knew Carmack was still driving the bus, but it seems once Apple releases their hardware offering everyone jumps ship immediately.
End game seems a little bleak for FB/Meta... FB is dying, TikTok is crushing IG, the metaverse is too early and others (Apple/Microsoft) seem better positioned if it does take off.
I agree on Zuck. It's not surprising that he's dishonest but he has no charisma.