I will go first! I use fountain app to listen to podcast for satoshis! It gives free sats everyday for listening! It’s easy to do and legit! Won’t get me rich quick but i just enjoy watching the small numbers add up! Would love to be able to access shakepay someday :(
Nothing is free. Money is not the only thing that gets spent.
To do anything, you have to use your own life-energy, even to click a random button on the web, or reading some news.
The math is the same as an energy generator. Is the energy coming out more than the energy that was put in?
You might find good information from the following:
Freelancing platforms which pay in Bitcoin, and other ways to earn bitcoin https://cointastical.medium.com/freelancing-platforms-which-pay-in-bitcoin-e38be56166df

or check out the following posts:
Best way to stack sats? #102653
Best way to earn Sats #123660
Are there any other ways to stack satoshis? #114762
  • I'm new to stacker news, will see :)
  • Fountain
  • THNDR mobile games (especially weekend competitions)
  • Nostr zaps
  • Fountain
  • Slice
  • Tweetoshi
  • Zapread
  • Bitcoin Chess
Gonna try em all
Bitcoin magazin, thndr games
SMiles is funny. I realized that I am actually walking around a lot every day. Málaga is pure fun to move around between the old town streets, the beaches and the harbour... and I am a bad chess player I realized by using the app
How do you get the freaking thing to account for movement? I track all my walks and hikes with Sport Tracker, but I haven't been able to get the freaking sMiles to account for a single step I take in months.
You need to download the spy app 'google fit' and synchronize this with sMiles.
So we need to install a centralized spying PoS from Gøøgł€ to be able to use a supposedly free app that uses a decentralized currency? Ta-ta SMiles!
That's it. In the end it will only be BTC and Us. P2P and the end of all this centralized sh.t
SMiles is it like sweatcoin?
It has some more features. I downloaded it for loosing chess... and discovered the rest