But it's all bullshit compared to bitcoin. Yes, I guess you have changed my mind. I will think more about your arguments, but in general I agree. Thank you.
I just ask:
"What is monero trying to accomplish?"
Privacy, anonymity, censorship resistance. Monero has accomplished these things. Now what? How do we onboard Apple, governments, and my church? How do we get Monero companies to go public?
"What is bitcoin trying to accomplish?"
Separation of money from state. To establish a new global base layer of trust. To absorb the value of everything in the world. To be the money and payment network (L1/L2) that everything of value travels on and the money everything is settled in. To hard fork humanity. To incentivize the use of wasted and stranded energy. To subsidize energy infrastructure. To demonetize the political class and eliminate their ability to make (fund) war. Dematerialize borders. Bring us closer to the next Kardashev level.
damn i would bookmark the hell out of this comment if the feature was already available lol
haha nice timing, can bookmark now!