Well my last post wasn’t so popular, let’s try this instead. I’m going to offer a little free common sense advice to new exchange users/coin holders and any veterans who are not yet aware.
There are currently some exchanges like Coinbase annd unusual offering free conversions of tokens to USDT, while also offering free conversion of USDT to USDCoin, at a 1:1 exchange rate. USDCoin can then be sold while paying zero transaction fees in the process. You will take a .01%- 2% hit on the conversion rate depending on the size of the transactions, however the higher the amount of the transaction the less of a hit you will take on the conversion rate.
I repeat: The higher the amount of the transaction, the less of an hit you will take on the conversion rate. Ultimately you can end up cashing out your bitcoin, ethereum, and any shitcoins you are currently hodling for zero transaction fees. It makes a difference of dollars $ on transactions under $30 and makes a difference of tens of dollars $$ on transactions under $1000. If you have more than that, and are still reading this, you are welcome. Don’t forgot to tip your waitress! If you need clarification on any terms used in here feel free to reach out and I can explain further!
welcome to sn, have some sats.
Autocorrect screwed me I meant to say
*and Uniswap not unusual