During my past life I used to wake up to check my work email then social media ..... without much purpose or goal ... more of less just accumulating fiat for the next big holiday or something like that
Ever since I became a hardcore Bitcoiner, I wake up everyday checking Bitcoin news .... I feel much more energized (not just driven by personal greed "gains" but more of the movement)
I guess I came for the fiat gains and now I stayed for the movement (nothing beats having something meaningful in your life!)
Note: I guess I took it to an extreme level as even when I go on dates I talk about Bitcoin .... although I know this isnt what they wanna talk about ... but still cant resist the urge :)
Feels like a global startup. Anyone can join. Anyone can build. Anyone can use. Everyone shares in its profits. Such an ambitious project. Exciting AF.
Addiction confirmed. :)
came for NGU stayed for the revolution... and the memes
Same for me, the universe wants Bitcoin to be a thing