REGARDLESS of what the data is, it is arbitrary data. not required by the network for functioning,
id rather have keep bitcoin a monetary system and only a monetary system, rather than it morphing into a file hosting system, including text and stupid jpegs.
i hope you can see my point here.
I don't see the word of God as just arbitrary data but hey you do you I guess. Some people hold the blockchain and the money aspects of it to a higher power as the most important thing in life, I don't. If you don't see the difference in comparing God to a bunch of images, then I'm sorry.
A view I've taken is that there's a difference between occasionally putting non-monetary data on the blockchain and regularly putting non-monetary data on the blockchain. Both are a bad idea in general, but the former has two unique properties: (1) it is (probably) impossible to stop and (2) there are (probably) exceptions to the general rule. E.g. I personally don't mind someone uploading the bible, because there's a higher rule: exceptional things deserve exceptional treatment. And I think the bible is an exceptional thing.
That said, regularly putting non-monetary data on the blockchain is possible to stop because regular activity produces detectable patterns that can be blocked via a soft fork. A good example is ord wallet's "envelopes," they all use the pattern OP_FALSE OP_IF OP_ENDIF, and a soft fork can invalidate transactions containing that pattern. If I can discourage regularly putting data on the blockchain by prohibiting this currently-popular method of doing so, then I want to do that, and as a bonus, it still leaves the door open for people to upload exception-worthy data in some other way. So that's my preferred solution. A soft fork.
(I know, surprise surprise, Super wants a soft fork. Who'da thunk?)
supertestnet wants a softfork.
no way!
and where do we draw that line? we as humans are not good at that, we have biases that alter our opinions.
That's fair we have a difference of opinion.
And I'm sorry if I came off asshole-ish.
I am of the firm belief that we need to minimize unnecessary data, in relation to the function of the network, that lives in the base layer.
I also understand the appeal of having different texts be readily available.
I guess my thoughts would be to have all this stuff done on higher layers.
I'm not a super technical guy so this is all just thoughts. Not sure if they are implementable.
I am also lucky enough to live in a relatively free country.
So i know I have blindspots regarding certain things. And that is on me to fix.
Tldr: Maybe I don't value the ability to pull texts/info from the time chain because I'm not currently faced with difficulty in getting that info.