I use Lightning every single day. I’m always amazed how it worked since the first time I tinkered with it on blue wallet many moons ago! This is a great summary of how far things have come.
Remember the zap wallet? Haha while lightning is no where near perfect I am very appreciative of how far the technology/software has come. I often dream where lightning would be if more companies poured real resources into it . Time will tell and I’m excited for what the future may bring with this humanity changing technology
yeah and stating the obvious, liquidity is based on sats and most lightning transactions are measured in fiat so if and when the price of bitcoin doubles, a 100$ lightning transaction will consist of 50% less sats and therefore require 50% less liquidity.
I agree. 1m sat channel seems like nothing now but what if bitcoin is $500k a coin. Channel liquidity hopefully wouldn’t have to be rebalanced so often