Qubes (http://www.qubes-os.org) is simply the best for security & there is no argument about that. But it's hard to call it a 'distro' since what it really is, is a launch platform to use many distros side by side in virtual machines. Get a virus? Just close the window and re-open it, new machine. (!)
I wouldn't want to game on it though. And there is certainly a learning curve to using it. (I'm not totally thru that yet after 3 months!)
I've recently run across the full-featured ubuntu flavor "Pop! OS," (http://pop.system76.com) which is actually pretty awesome for creative folks, the scientific community, and other general normies. Better than Mint, which I've used for years now. My new favorite, in fact. I'm phasing Mint out of my other PCs but keeping Qubes on my work PC for security.