Install Tor

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Enter the following commands:
  • brew install tor
  • brew services start tor
The last brew command starts Tor now + on each system (re)start.

Set network proxy

  1. Open "System Preferences" → "Network"
  2. Then "Location" → "Edit locations"
  3. Click "New Location" → "Advanced" → "Proxies"
  4. Enable "SOCKS Proxy" → Enter:
  • SOCKS Proxy Server: localhost
  • Port: 9050
  1. Click "OK" & "Apply"
Check your (Tor) connection on From now on, all system traffic will be routed through the Tor network.
Are there any upsides of using this method instead of just downloading TOR browser?
Tor Browser = Traffic inside the browser over Tor Tor system-wide: Traffic from the whole system and all apps over Tor