Ordinals aren't just astrology for bitcoin. Astrology at least has centuries of established absurdity. It's actually far more braindead than that. It's believing transactions have special meaning, because there is some insouciant shitcoin-sympathizer with a github account and a tour on the podcast circuit that says they have meaning. Casey Rodarmor is basically the Miss Cleo of Bitcoin.
This ordinal is for you
the chain is chugging along I had to settle some on chain and it's exciting for normies, like them or not NFTs drive a lot of attention
Speculative degeneracy. For all the hype about shitcoin harm-reduction being "good for bitcoin", I think a lot of these mosquito brains will see that Umbrel node they booted up like any other fad they landed on for 5 minutes before flitting off to the next "opportunity".
True but bitcoin is a public block chain. People are free to do what they wish point blank end of story. No matter how dumb or stupid you think said thing is
Yes. People are allowed to embarrass themselves in public, forever, however they like. Welcome to earth. Pointing and laughing at them doesn't mean I'm "seething and coping".
Lol I have to agree, its a current thing phase, dudes virtue signalling and trolling because they can do something "new" with bitcoin, the only thing I like about ordinals is its exposure of people who are have always been shitcoiners and I know now to either stay away from them or take their opinions with a heavy pinch of salt
Too many larps in this space with ethereum envy, casey just buiding a rep for himself to get shitcoin funding im sure, while ive seen a few ordinal projects trying to capitalise because its such a hacky shit process, normies cant do it so they come in to "help" I thought it was decentralised why you have all these middlemen?
Lol you own nothing but your own stupidity and miners are encouraging it because they net a little bit of fees
This too shall pass
LOL Oh yeah there's always "that guy" at the meetup who likes hanging out with bitcoiners, but always backslides into shitcoins when there's enough FOMO in the air.
Idk, kinda harsh. It's interesting that satoshis have a naturally-derived order based on how they come into existence, and that more than one person has "discovered" them. I think that part is interesting independent of inscriptions. It's a natural extension of thinking about and tracking creation of UTXOs
Also if they're paying miners I don't care, I don't think people will keep spamming the chain with crypto dick butts as our BTC gets more expensive and dear (whatever its implied ordinal numbering scheme may be)
Even with rarity some come with. I don't care more for it but I feel if they only have the ones with rarity less talk about it occupying too much block space wouldn't be happening.