This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
"Is it better to have too little or too much greenhouse gas emissions"
it didnt respond instantly and then after a while it started typing very slowly and carefully as if a human had taken over
its not finishing the sentence. this is what ive been trying to accomplish for about 2 hours (this is first time using chatgpt and i got a little carried away). but i finally managed to ask something that it didnt seem to be able to respond to.
Gotta balance the books
Getting inspired by how people are building on Nostr
Innovation thrives on Nostr
I have a cowboy hat and have no idea how I got it, aside from smashing the lightning button everywhere. That is my random topic.
whoa cool, I just got one for no reason also.
I'm also not clear on how the cowboy hat works. I looked for it in the FAQs, but no luck. I had one for a few days, then lost it.
Yeaaaaa I have no idea how they work. I literally just “found” one like a few minutes ago.
working on getting the ability to post links here, somehow it's not picking up my username...
otherwise, excited to be here :)
How much privacy does one need?
For example, in my country when you own a business (or are a sole proprietor) anyone can look up where you live.
Do you rather protect your real name from others or do you figure out a way to live at another address to make the state registry less of a privacy issue?
Sounds a bit like New Zealand. You can look up company and shareholder details.
It's fucked up. Depending on the type of business you could set one up in another country. Depending on the country "move"/register somewhere else (for example a rental place)
Hey gang!! Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday funday, good time for a walk at the park, a dip in the pool, perhaps doing some BBQ or even a movie under the blankets, just do something you like, you deserve it. I wish you a fantastic day and lots of good vibes. Be well guys and stay frosty
Finally taking the plunge into Nostr wish me luck!
this is a good nostr client
Reading and leaning.about LN. And apparently getting hooked on a lottery game on Nostr. LOL
Just another day I will spend on SN learning new things from various posts
gm y'all
I just watched a YT video on piezoelectricity from quartz etc... Lol it's the coolest thing, how do we walk around with so much cool stuff existing and we're just glued to nonsense?
Today's work: Dual-entry accounting tools and summaries for 2021-2022 shitcoin shenanigans, some light reading.
Was gonna default to using npm package medici for the double-entry part of some of my work. Anyone have any pro/cons or use a different double-entry accounting package for node.js? medici seems like the way to go but I have not started yet.
Half of 42 mil. Is LN the second half of the answer?
Companies come and go, Bitcoin will still be there after you die.
Will the establishment monetise dissent for their own interests or will the masses monetise dissent via Bitcoin to bring about positive change?
It took me way too long to understand what "freebie" means in this context lol
Free newbie