Oh lol. I haven't listened yet. I'm happy to know I don't sound too foolish lol.
I'm always very impressed by how polished you sound. Not because of low expectations... but I think it's because everytime I've gone onto a podcast I feel very cringe and disappointed afterwards. I should probably rehearse more ahead of time. You are probably having these conversations every day so it's natural.
I definitely talk about SN a lot. We all sound different to ourselves though.
I certainly feel cringe and disappointed when I listen to myself too. The best solution I've found to those feelings is to try to take away something concrete after each of them so at least I have the hope of not being as cringe next time - e.g. on kr's pod I realized I was self-editing and it was slowing my speech down.
idk though. I'm still learning how to cope with speaking publicly.