Hey all! I'm Gerald. I'm a physician (hospitalist) and former software engineer.
Fairly newb to this space, orange-pilled in January when I randomly I stumbled into a maximalist clubhouse room while driving. Now I can't get enough and I'm bitter that I was too busy in my career to not have sat down and delved into this sooner. Crypto was one of my favorite classes back in the day (Dan Boneh CS 255) but I just never paid "crypto" any attention as I kept thinking I should be paying off my loans first 🤦‍♂️
Now honestly feeling really burned out in medicine. Wishing I had more corn to escape the bedside grind.
Yo, you most certainly know more about cryptography than I do! Wen doctorcoin?
I sadly missed UCD's bi-annual cryptography course due to schedule conflicts.
haha man I wish... it was mostly a math class in disguise. Unfortunately nobody was doing anything too sexy with crypto back then..
Sounds like it didn’t cover applied cryptography.
I think the timeline roughly fits to when Levichen and Theil started PayPal and not too far away. Levichen was I believe a cryptographer and they got started (if I remember correctly) because he wanted to create “internet money” which was a popular topic among cryptographers during that time period it seems. They just created a centralized one.
It’s the first chapter of Founders at Work by Livingston. Great book.
Yeah it was a whole lot of number theory and basics of public/private keys, SSL etc. This was dot-com bubble just went bust and I wasn't as visionary as Thiel at al, sadly.
Thanks for the reminder- I've been meaning to listen to Founders at Work- audible offered me a free trial and just downloaded it!
The companies are dated but the stories are historical and timeless IMO