On (2), IMO it is the right thing to teach. I was just wondering how you knew it was. When I was doing chaincode, I felt like I learned everything really well but txs, which makes sense given chaincode's mission.
it's been pretty delightful to find out that what i wanted to teach is filling a gap <3
When Clint (at least I think it was him) was telling me about your class before it was base58, I was like "omg this is exactly what's needed."
It's really easy to get lost in the weeds with mining and stuff when txs are the things non-core developers are going to be using. txs are sort of like the api layer and everything else is implementation details.
There might be a big gap for lightning "api layer" classes too if not even more so. I get so many questions about how to build stuff "on top" of lightning.
i keep hearing this ;D
What's something you believe about Bitcoin that few people agree with (including other bitcoiners)?
Forgive the Theilism.
tbh i don't really think too hard about being agreeable, so this is actually a harder question to answer than you'd think.
that being said, i am not convinced that we need to bring financial engineering primitives to the bitcoin ecosystem.