houston's the largest gritty/industiral southern city in the US. it's also got great (hot humid) weather, amazing crawfish boils, and some of the most affordable housing in america. people also tend to forget about houston on the national stage, which is kind of nice imo.
i think people forget what it's like to live in a city where most people can work a job, have a family, own a house, and just live their lives at the rate they see fit.
i also really like how incredibly insane the drivers are here, but i get that not everyone is into participating in a speed derby every time they get on the freeway. at least houston drivers all understand the rules of getting there; austin traffic is infuriating in a way i never get stressed on houston highways (which i largely blame on poor road design and underinvestment in viable public transit)
Wow.. i think you just set the record for sats stacked from a post on SN… what are you going to do with your newfound riches?? 🙌
pay some fees to liquidity advertisers to get more inbound channel capacity hehehe