and when can we expect a project like this to work in a non walled garden ?
its great for the smartphone folks, but what about us linux desktop folk?
what's interesting to me about this though:
the thing runs in apples sandbox or on f-droid right? okay. I don't know if there's a similar equivalent on the android platform but i wouldn't be surprised if it's connected to delta-wave.
but as far as apple goes....
the secure enclave processor.. isn't even in the phone. the phone builds it in you. off topic, but -
what's to stop apple from building in some sort of HAL that just decodes nostr keys, and then this whole thing is a moot point??
I don't trust apple farther than they can be thrown, which is why I don't use their devices.
Have you looked at Ferdi? I'm not sure if it addresses the security concerns, but I use it to run WhatsApp on Linux.
i have not, is it a swiss army knife like gaim? i dont use whatsapp. :)
Yeah, a bit like that. I haven't used Pidgin, which is new name for Gaim. I looked briefly into different options and forget why I settled on Ferdi