Lol the way you summarised early zap culture is so spot in its hilarious there's already some accounts that may not have got much play on other social media and this is a chance to reinvent themselves and start from zero, engage a lot and recycle sats between one another and build a following, and who knows it might work out for them.
I can easily see this turning into engagement pods, lets say we are 10 users and we all put in 10 000k sats we can recycle the sats between us to make it look like we're so generous so people will follow to try and get into the drip and build accounts, plenty of the engagement hacking things we see on linkedin, twitter and insta will come to nostr
Hopefully the fun element of zapping will be combined with the adversarial mindset mentioned quite often within “Bitcoin culture”. So, if you suspect you are being conned into zapping you can send your sats elsewhere.