People have to lose everything before they wake up
Well, groups of people do. A lot of Individuals who know how to think for themselves don’t.
Bro we are spoiled we grew up when the internet was free and got exposed to ideas and opinions that has allowed us to navigate the shitstorm somewhat. The same is not true for the average person online today due to the censorship and the way algorithms feed us garbage now.
That's where we're in now... education counts more than ever
Not education in the US, if you go to public school. They are not even being taught how to do math and read. They get feed only constant propaganda. Look at Baltimore, Not 1 student is at the reading level they should be for their age.
Sorry to hear this. At my parent's home we didn't even have a TV. Just reading and pure conversation. I do not have a TV too to keep my focus on my work and the books. Hopefully there will be a revolution of excellence and passion for cultural education