Once upon a time, in the land of Middle-earth, there lived a man named Bob. Bob was a hardworking man who spent his days working as a clerk in a small office, earning a decent wage that he used to support his family and save for his retirement.
One day, news spread that a dragon named Smaug had been killed by a group of adventurers. Everyone was excited about the news, except for Bob. He knew that with the death of the dragon, the hoard of gold and precious metals that Smaug had been guarding would flood the market, causing inflation and destroying his savings.
Sure enough, Bob's worst fears were confirmed. The flood of gold and precious metals caused inflation to skyrocket, and the cost of living became unbearable. Everything from bread to beer became unaffordable, and Bob had to tighten his belt to make ends meet.
Bob's wife, Jane, was especially upset about the situation. She had always dreamed of buying a new dress made of the finest silk, but now that dream was out of reach. Bob tried to console her by saying, "Don't worry, honey. We may not be able to afford a new dress, but at least we have our health and each other."
But Jane wasn't having any of it. "Health and love won't put food on the table, Bob!" she retorted.
Bob sighed and went back to work, hoping that things would get better soon. But every day, he saw more and more people struggling to make ends meet. He even saw a few of his coworkers selling their prized possessions just to make rent.
One day, Bob overheard his boss talking about the situation. "This inflation is killing us," his boss said. "We may have to lay off some employees."
Bob gulped. He knew that he was at risk of losing his job, which would be a disaster for him and his family. But he couldn't help but find some dark humor in the situation. "Well, at least we'll have plenty of gold to use as shiny toys," he thought to himself.
In the end, Bob managed to keep his job, but it was a close call. He and his family had to adjust their lifestyle to cope with the inflation, but they managed to make it work. And in the end, Bob realized that if you we had money with predictable and stable supply, the world would be a much better place.
Great story.
Bard kills Smaug. Bob kills Bard.
The first ones with the newly created money always rip off those at the far end who are the last to get hold of any of it.
As soon as Bob learned about Smaug, he should have bought some hard assets or real estate (before prices rose) to protect his savings.