Great list. I would suggest just have a goal, ignore the noise, and stack as hard as you can. Your goal should be attainable (let's face it, none of us are going to out stack Saylor) but a stretch. If you really want to be a full coiner make your long term goal 2. Magic of thinking big and all, if you stretch your goal you will work harder to get there and even if you don't make it you will be better off than if you made an easily attainable goal.
My goal is 10BTC by 2035. This year I am trying to stack .5. As price rises it will be more difficult to reach this goal but if I end up with 5BTC instead of 10 in 2035 I think I will probably still be ok with that.
Stack sats every day, make it a habit. You won't believe what you will accomplish in a decade simply putting one foot in front of the other. If you don't have a lot of family commitments take on odd jobs or projects to stack more sats. Before my business was doing well and I could live comfortably, I used to take on extra projects and side jobs on weekends and would usually make an additional 800-1000 a month doing that. If you could even do half that and make an extra 500 a month to sweep into Bitcoin, on top of your daily stacking, your balance will grow faster than you think.
Happy stacking. Hit me up if you need any stacking, career or business advice.
Cheers, GR
Thanks for the great addition! =)
I really like that i idea .. it reminds me of the saying:
Aim for the stars and you will land on the moon =)
I like that approach. But i think it's not for everyone ... for examample i myself am tempted to loose myself in such goals and completely burn myself out to reach it. So the abundance described in #19 and #20 really helps me. But i want to try to find a way to implement this tip ... Thanks!
I already have a side hustle which is okay to maintain at the moment but as i get older, i also plan to have a family soon. Will see how that works out ...
Thanks for the kind offer mate! Really appreciate it! Are you on nostr? Would love to connect there =) You can find me by my npub:
Yes I am on nostr. I will add you.
Cool! I am looking forward to it. Hit me up there =)