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"The state is helped by [Western] crypto-exchanges, which block the Russians on their own initiative. There remain the possibilities of p2p platforms, that is, transfers between individuals.
The demand of Russians for cryptocurrencies is growing rapidly. Open statistics on such indicators are not published, however, according to Roman Nekrasov, co-founder of the ENCRY Foundation, participants see an increase in the volume of client transactions by three to five times, and not so much with bitcoins, but with stablecoins, in particular Tether (USDT; a cryptocurrency pegged to dollar rate). Investors see them as an easy way to get into foreign currencies quickly.
Citizens with large sums (hundreds of thousands of dollars) come there, according to the expert, and immediately consult on how to get out of the crypt into fiat after going abroad.
According to Mr. Ananyev, the Central Bank "cannot stop such operations, since every major transfer from [bank debit card account ?] to [bank debit card account ?] cannot be traced." Aaron Chomsky noted that it was not possible to completely block such a scheme even in China, where a complete ban on cryptocurrency was introduced.
Now everyone is asking how to open a wallet and buy cryptocurrency, even people “who [are able to continue doing online banking without difficulty ?].”
One of the top manufacturers Trezor stopped deliveries to Russia