Both of are wrong. We havent been true capitalism in a long long time. You need a real free market for Capitalism. We do not have a “free market” because we are using fiat money! What the US has is a form Corporatism. You cant have true capitalism if someone is always manipulating the money, especially when you rig it for their corporate and elite friends to get the fresh printed money first.
Let me put it this way: Capitalism on a leash brought us this far. Imagine how far capitalism could bring us if we unleash it.
Another good indicator that you are not in true Capitalism, is Bail-outs and shit like that too. Bail outs are impossible under capitalism. Well, I wouldn’t say it’s impossible, but the government or central authority wouldn’t be involved. It would take something like a crowd sourcing with everyone that has capital for it to happen.
Agreed. Companies would behave much better if their actions actually had consequences. The bailouts in 2008 were a huge mistake in the long term.
Yep!!!!! No doubt!!
Capitalism doesn’t have a money printer
Not for long at least.
Show me one ideal that we get to have in pure, true form.
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