Definitely heard of someone recently who was getting AI to transcribe podcasts, then summarize them for him. Not sure, but I think it was this episode, lemme link you...
either way, you should listen if you're trying to level up on efficiency of uploading knowledge to your brain.
How to 5x Your Reading Speed and Retention with Emerson Spartz (WiM276) Founder of Emerson Spartz joins me for an in-depth conversation on how to become much more efficient at the reading process, the 80/20 rule, and finding your unique niche that you can be the best at.
I'm trying to 1,000x my ability to upload knowledge. Why can't an AI scour hundreds of sources and relate back to me what I'd ask it to focus on? Let's say I want to keep up-to-date with topics related to bitcoin mining... just let loose the robots and have them report back what they find 😋
If it’s just search, might be able to train a large BERT model which should be way cheaper than a LLM. Would need to plot out how much data you’re getting each time period (like daily) and then see how much it would cost to train BERT on that