“Accepting that your money is a shitcoin is a hard pill to swallow.
Not only has the government been stealing through inflation but actually it’s all a Ponzi, used to fund more ponzis, and theyve been lying to you about that reality since you were indoctrinated to believe their false reality since childhood.
I totally get how that’s too much for a lot of people to accept.
What I don’t get is the people who do accept it, but still advocate statist bullshit. Like you know all this evil they’ve done and yet you still believe they’re going to do right by people after all that..”
I was anarchist first then bitcoiner later. Many people become bitcoiners and then are introduced to anarchy. Living closer to the fiat spigot tends to mean that new bitcoiners are still full of indoctrined ideas about subjects outside of money which conflict with many of the fundamental principles. Or in other words, they don't really get it yet.
Thanks for your response. Reading No Gods No Masters (an anthology of anarchism) definitely changed the way I look at the world. Human flourishing will always be impeded in the absence of true freedom.
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