Here's the Tweet by Kukks, a BTCPay Server developer, that kicked off the Twitter thread where this was announced:
Today, I'm announcing the beta release of the Coinjoin plugin for @BtcpayServer. After many months of hard but exciting work, this opt-in plugin makes BTCPay Server one of the most extensive privacy-oriented Bitcoin tools around.
Does anyone know why they chose Wasabi over Whirpool or JoinMarket?
Wasabi's mixes are a million times better, the coordinator just sucks. They aren't using Wasabi's coordinator so you can get all the benefits with none of the downside
Better in what quality / quantity? Wasabi mixes have "it's private, trust us!" privacy guarantees. As far as I gather, the "anonymity score" is a bunch of ad hoc assumptions that are easy to thwart, especially for the largest participants.
At least whirlpool has a straight forward fungibility model anyone can understand.
One issue with Samurai is that whirlpool has a low participant count in each mix, and the wallet's default mode of operation dox's a user's addresses to the samurai servers.
So even if you are running dojo (ie, to not dox yourself to their server), the chance of the other mix participants also running dojo isn't that great, and thus your addresses can be doxx'd (by the samurai server) by a simple process of elimination. Running through repeated mixes doesn't do much to fix this.
For a 'privacy wallet', this is pretty egregious imo. There are known ways to fix this issue, that Samurai hasn't implemented for.. some reason?
No un mixed change is the biggest thing. Removes the biggest foot gun that exists
if the mix isn't quantified it's all un mixed change. transfers might change this
nicolas dorier and adam ficsor are friends. i am not a fan of wasabi since they became cucked, even before when they were reusing addresses to be honest
Neither of them worked on this plugin.
out of curiosity, why didn't you use a better coinjoin implementation, like one that doesn't work with blockchain surveillance companies to blacklist addresses??
based, love it
Should be payjoin.
BTCPay Server supports payjoin for both sending and receiving for a very long time. They were authors of BIP78 payjoin spec.