My dad is a small business owner, a capitalist, a "boomer", a small time gold-bug, and shares the values of hard money and sees a lot of what Bitcoiners see going on with the financial institutions and government intervention are doing to destroy any value we try to save in their fiat system.
He's been aware of my dabbling in this space for probably three years, and me not having pressed much because there's a vast and endless well of information that he's just genuinely (through his own admission) not ready for.
But he has come to me recently and began asking questions, because he sees something. He asked me to help him understand a little more.
So I gave him a hardware wallet derived from my seed, had him set up a passphrase for himself so I'm his only "custodian". I sent him $10 on chain. Explained what happened. Explained as much as he would accept on a technical level. And left it at that.
I'm hoping the handholding isn't too much, but he's essentially told me he doesn't want to understand too much more just yet. I guess the seed is planted. I will continue to do my best to explain what this really means versus the dollar value. At the very least he's on the path.
I will do my best to caution him on the craziness of it all.
note obviously sent all of my corn to the wrong wallet address in the ocean.