Big fan of Tapsigners, we will be receiving a sample for doing dev work with, a reader and I think a couple of cards. The plan is to integrate it as a security UX boost for indranet relay operators and possibly building a release signing protocol tool built with it.
I believe that physical RFID signers will be very important going forward. Lots of ways to improve UX of cryptographic security protocols with one. No battery, just quick, easy signatures at the wave of a hand.
Was thinking of setting up the family with nunchuk and Tapsigner. Quick and easy way to move KYC sats into a key you control then from there you can send it where you need.
Be cool if they implement a SATSCARD function so you can give out a SATSCARD tell them to download nunchuk boom easy gift giving
Hey, we do actually support Satscard already (since August last year) :)
Thread on how to use SATSCARD with Nunchuk:
Bookmarked thank you!
Trying with a Tapsigner on Friday ;) Love Nunchuk collaborative wallet for mini business projects where we need to purchase resources, like a domain name or hosting, with a minimal layer of fund management and budget control...