We'd love to share some of our numbers for the month of February for Lightsats.
This is a breakdown of users acquired per month since launch and the types of users we acquired in the month of February.
Tipper (Orange piller 🍊💊) Tippee (The person being orange pilled🐇🕳)
Here's a breakdown of the chosen onboarding flows for all tips in February:
  • 🦔Standard
  • ⏭ Skip
  • ⚡️ Lightning
All tips were also broken down by our conversion statuses, overall we had a 66% success rate from tips going from: seen > claimed > withdrawn
Lastly, this is the breakdown of the most recommended wallets when using our wallet recommendation feature.
*Side note: @bluewallet has been delisted as a recommended wallet until they bring back their non-custodial version.
Thanks for reading, here are some magic🪄words for you 😉
  • street
  • burden
  • coast
You guys are killing it! ⚡️
thank you!
Also thanks for all the write ups and mentions on the LN Market newsletters!🙌🏻
Thanks for the sats, and thanks for the update. I love your guys' product, I've used it to onboard a couple friends :)
You're welcome! 🥳 and thanks for taking the time to read our update!
Amazing to hear that you love our product and that it has helped you onboard a couple of friends.
Any feedback on ways we can improve our features definitely let us know!
Also, we just launched the ability to print blank tip cards to use with our passphrase feature!