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Yes, Mullvad is the best! Open Source, Frequent and Consistent Audits, Buy with Bitcoin, No Logs, Completely Anonymous, Owns some of their own servers, encrypted DNS. 👍
only needs to accept Lightning!
1372 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 3 Mar 2023
You can top-up Mullvad VPN with Lightning in a non-official way: https://vpn.sovereign.engineering/ Use "Want to purchase a voucher without logging in?" to stay safe. Not sure why they even provide the option to enter your account number, lol
Thanks man, that's what I'm looking for. Lightning privacy is better than on-chain
They really need to mention this site in their official docs, I think ... a lot of people don't know that this exists.
This comes up time and time again here. For example: #71743
I'll write them and ask if they can mention this website until they have native LN payments.
I wrote the following to support@mullvad.net:
Any updates on this?
On https://stacker.news, this issue comes up time and time again that you don't support LN payments yet. For example, see here: #146849 or here #71743. There is a website where one can buy vouchers using LN: https://vpn.sovereign.engineering/ Are you aware of this website? Maybe you can add it to https://mullvad.net/de/help/partnerships-and-resellers/ so more people are aware of it. Would also be cool if you mention it when someone wants to pay with Bitcoin since he can pay with LN using this website.
I really love your VPN btw! Keep up the good work, the only thing that's missing is really just LN payments (as I mentioned before).
Sincerely, ekzyis
I replied to their answer in September that they don't support LN but they might in the future.
Yes! That is the last step!