Nostr needs a Frontpage. I don't care if it's centralized. I want to see the hottest notes, most liked, most followed, by day, week, month. Most zapped. Make it happen
Until then nobody will be able to reach an audience and the decentralization and censorship resistance is pointless? Do you know what I mean? I can write my tweets on a piece of paper at home or type them into a word document and those pesky social media won't be able to censorship me!! But what is the point of that. (Most people should probably write their social media posts like that but that is besides the point)
It also looks and feels like Twitter but doesn't work like it at all and has many short comings. I'm skeptical it has a future once the hype dies down.
Just leaving another comment for the heck of it
ностр отлично подходит для передачи информации в кругах. каждый выберит свой круг
We know it matters that’s why we are here! Lol just kidding Choir has been preached