Really excited for this release!
Along with a much needed overhaul of the player design - we're introducing Lightning Comments - a simple comments system that connects podcast fans using the Lightning Network.
How it works:
  • Boosts sent from Fountain will show up as a comment unless the user has turned on private boosts
  • For Lightning Podcasts, pay as much as you want to add or reply to comments and the money goes to the podcaster. The more sats you send, the higher your comment appears on the episode screen
  • For all other podcasts, pay 1 sat to add or reply to a comment. The money gets paid back to new Fountain users to help them get started with Value for Value.
Whilst I'm sure protocols around messaging on Lightning will evolve - we think this is a great first step that builds on the success of the <podcast:value> block and integrates with it to honor the splits podcasters setup.
As always - please do share feedback / feature requests!
Love what you all are building. Might be fun to be able to upvote comments with sats, a la Stacker News, down the road. @thrillerX_ what’s @k00b’s line “I’ll create a git ticket”??
thats exactly what he says 😂
it is a great idea...tho
Nice. More interactivity between listeners is 👍🏽
Been messing around with this since the update. Looks and feels great!
loving comments, game changer!
💯 game changer!
Another excellent Tweet of yours!
Today, @fountain_app launched cross-app podcast comments on the Lightning Network.
It's a total game changer.
Now anyone can post, read, or reply to comments coming in from any Podcasting 2.0 app, and the more sats you pay, the higher your comment ranks.
Here's a Tweet describing their Lightning Comments:
We built a simple comments system for podcasts on the Lightning Network that works across apps.
This is why we launched Lightning Comments and how they work 👇
Here's the Twitter thread, unrolled: