Compared to LNDHub, the main benefit is that the accounts are secured with Macaroons, meaning they can be further attenuated or delegated. There's not much being done with that at the moment, but imagine you could further restrict your account and hand access to it to others, for example to Stacker News, but limit it to only receiving, or only spending 1000 sats per day.
In LND Accounts you only solve 1. and 2. if you also use an account for yourself. Then you only see your own balance increase when you receive, and you can always sum up everyone's balance to make sure you aren't running a fractional reserve. But that could be done in LNDHub too
Thanks, good idea about running my own account separately.
I guess that would work even if I combined LND Accounts and LNDHub, right?
For example:
I have a total of 1,000,000 sats on the node. A friend has 100,000 sats on the node in his LNDHub wallet. So then I create a new LND Account with a separate macaroon with a starting balance of 900,000 and then only track my balance on that separate account.
So if my friend received another 100,000 and my nodes balance goes up to 1,100,000, I will still see 900,000 on my LND Account.
Is this correct?