In the recent weeks I've seen multiple updates, sometimes even one day after another.
Not a complain (okay, partially), but wondering if anyone knows about it or has seen Nicholas/another dev mention it.
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Just bug fixes and little improvements see the release log
large version updates like the recent 1.8.1 typically followed by a spurious amount of little fixes as the software is tested live by the community/devs who give feedback and because they care very much about having functioning software they fix as bugs are reported. I was amazed when in my very specific implementation a bug was exposed, i put it on their issues thing on github and within days it was fixed. It's really shocking to me how multimillion, even billion dollar software companies can't even get their crap together on time let alone even compete on the same level as the btcpayserver devs who built a completely free to use system
your comment is the most convincing one. Agree about multimillion or billion companies been too big and too bureaucratic to work. Me and my friend get more work done than a whole team (and sometimes the rest of the team, which is 10+ members) get done.
Your answer convinces me. Well done.
my goodness, thank you. God bless, I was just trying to be helpful XD
Lol because we the plebs demand more stuff, give us more features and more security and more stability or face our compliants on stacker news, nostr and twitter
It's kind of annoying for the end-user with so many updates, but it is (or should be) the norm for any project within software development.
There are many dependencies that get updated and thus you need to update your codebase as well, besides the obvious bug fixes and the development of new features.
dependencies make sense, although I'm not sure it's what they are updating.
Well there are currently 59 issues
Plus, a company's website is a much hotter target for hackers than the average users computer. Its a much much hotter target to go after a publicly facing system that has money in it. So I imagine they're being vigilant about any vulnerabilities that were secretly reported to them by white hats, or they're just fixing normal reported issues or both.
Either way, I think it should be normal to expect lots of update from a hot project that handles money and good on btcpay for being active about its development.
Not a complain (okay, partially)
Why even a partial complaint?
I prefer not to update software too often -- unless critical changes happen -- but it's just my own preference as a software dev. Once a week or every two weeks is what I would prefer.
I don’t disagree with not updating that often. In fact, I made a whole post about it here. I guess my point was, just because updates are made available, that doesn’t mean you have to use them. But having the option is very nice.
that's quite true -- I guess I'm just so used to software been obnoxious about updates that I hadn't thought about having updates as optional. BTCPS is definitely not annoying about them. Thanks for the thoughtful response.
General improvements
QUICK NOTE ------------
I am aware of the releases / bug fixes as I always see the changelog. But if you notice, before it used to be even almost a month before a release was made sotimes, while recently it can be just be a day apart. Issue count was always there.
P.S. How did you make the text pink / red in markdown like that?
Using backticks ` like this:
`this will be red` (I escaped the backticks with \)
this will be red
It's mainly used for code to have a monospace font.