I'm a 2. I keep most my funds on Phoenix wallet now after moving mostly off Muun, although I do still use that for some apps. Occasionally I'll use Wallet of Satoshi, but pretty rarely.
So most things get withdrawn from apps like Zebedee, Fountain, Bitcoin Magazine, microlancer and SN get withdrawn pretty quickly.
I keep a small amount of sats on Stacker News for daily interaction and tipping which I've began doing much more often, and add more if needed. Most of it goes to Phoenix though. Plus I have fun zipping sats around on lightning these last few months.
I'm not amazing technically though so I'm not yet at the point of running my own full Lightning node. Only just barely got a Bitcoin Core node up and my hardware wallet connected. So. I'm sure I'm still making some concessions.
Thank you for the sats @k00b!