I'd consider myself 2 but I don't think it has to be a matter of what's ideal but more a matter of the apps use case / amount of value that use case is regularly moving (what's valuable to one person is not to another, so hard to nail this). If I lose a few thousands sats on SN idc - would I store anything more than $100? Probably not.
I think custodial platforms could do more to educate and nudge users into the self-custodial direction though as it is ideal if you want to store decent sums in bitcoin and likely has some regulatory benefits if you don't want to be considered a custodian down the line.
An example of how this could be done is limits on how much sats can be stored on SN and educate users about using a self-custody app instead when they get close to or hit that limit (would be great if you could tip on SN using a self-custodial app like Breez too!). You could also have a cap on tip amounts, say higher than $50, to receive a tip the receiver can only receive this with a self-custody app connected to SN. This is a bit of a happy medium between 2 and 3 and could keep SN in the lower bounds of custodianship which could have some regulatory benefits (I'm no lawyer though).